Affiliates & Friends
The IKFF is an organization whose goals are two-fold: to promote Kettlebell training and complete mind/body fitness on a global scale, and to support our members in developing the all-encompassing skills needed to accelerate their own fitness and fitness-oriented businesses. The vision in creating this is to offer passionate fitness enthusiasts a no-nonsense, ever-evolving resource they can trust is on the cutting edge of athletic training and conditioning!
RMAX International holds a two-fold mission: to promote tactical conditioning and integrated physical and morale training to professionals on a global scale, and to support our members in targeting the general and specific needs assessment of their team, company or unit. Our vision - “Surpassing ouRMAXimum Potential Together” - provides tactical conditioning specialists with a professionally tested and trusted, cutting-edge scientific resource to meet the needs of those who have the courage to move toward danger so that others may move out of harm’s way.

The Best Kettlebell Sport Lifting Academy in the world, coached by World Champions from Russia.
Comes from the origin of Kettlebell, based in st. Petersburg, Russia
The world Union of Kettlebell Lifting, The only world organization of Kettlebell athlete and representatives.
The best CrossFit concept and Facility in Indonesia, the most Internationally Certified Instructor, home base of Indonesian
Kettlebell Lifters.
The TRX Suspension Trainer is the original, best-in-class workout system that leverages gravity and your bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises. You're in control of how much you want to challenge yourself on each exercise - because you can simply adjust your body position to add or decrease resistance.
Rip Training utilizes a lever bar and resistance cord to provide a unique mix of rotation, core stability, control, power, strength, mobility, metabolic conditioning, balance and coordination challenges. TRX has developed a wide assortment of unique, leverage-variable resistance exercise movements, coaching cues, and programming and educational principles using the Rip Trainer, the collection of which comprises Rip Training.
The Rip Trainer allows users to engage in unlimited movements which, when performed properly, enhance fluidity and range of motion and decrease the risk of injury. Whether used for high speed striking movements or slow speed strength and stability exercises, the Rip Trainer is the perfect training tool for elite level athletes, fitness enthusiasts and even people wanting to exercise for the first time.
Life and sport require that we be able to both control and produce rotational force. Rip Training utilizes the same asymmetrical loading we encounter every day. Whether you’re carrying groceries, picking up your child, throwing a ball, or performing athletic movements such as swimming, running, and biking, your body is always producing rotation or controlling externally-induced rotation.
Rip Training provides a simple, effective method to integrate rotational movements into training with the ability to layer on complexity to suit your goals.
Rip Training is also an effective solution for developing and challenging mobility and stability throughout the body.
Rip Training utilizes elastic resistance that allows for high-speed, low-load rotational movement training or low-speed, high-load rotational movement training.
The best Kettlebell Trainer and Facility in Manila, Philipines.
Try to workout even you're on vacation, these are the best place that you can find.